Check out the Wired Money agenda
The agenda for Wired Money, a one-day summit taking place in London on 1 July, has been announced. The first session of the day, entitled "Money Online: The Democratisation of Finance and Investment" features speakers from companies offering users powerful online tools that are changing the ways we deal with personal finance and money. Delegates will be able to hear insights from the likes of Giles Andrews, CEO and co-founder of Zopa, a peer-to-peer lending and savings platform; and Alastair Lukies, CEO and founder of Monitise, a mobile banking and payments service....
...The final session of WIRED Money is about spotting opportunities. More specifically, using data to identify openings in the marketplace and avoid potential threats. Speakers include Douglas Merrill, of ZestFinance, which uses big data to improve underwriting quality for lenders; Paul Hawtin, of Derwent Capital Markets, a sentiment trading platform dubbed the "Twitter hedgefund"; and Kevin Slavin from the MIT Media Lab....MORE