From Your Tango (please don't judge me), December 28:
11 Phrases Brilliant People Use To Validate Someone They Don’t Agree With
....The phrases brilliant people use to validate someone they don’t agree with are full of generosity, patience, and compassion. Brilliant people aim to be kind and understanding, even when their perspectives are wildly different from someone else’s. They focus on building respectful relationships, which are rooted in emotional validation, even with people they disagree with....
1. ‘I respect where you’re coming from, but I see things from a different angle’
2. ‘Thank you for sharing your perspective’
6. ‘I value how much thought you’ve put into this’
11. ‘You’ve given me a lot to think about’
And of course, the all purpose turnaround for C-suite managers:
"Think about it a little more and you will agree with me because you're smart and I'm right."
—Charlie Munger quoted in "Damn Right: Behind the Scenes with..."