Monday, September 16, 2024

"Smokeless War: Europe is Getting 'Boursicoted' by Beijing"

From The National Interest, August 31:

Faced with this breadth and depth of Chinese influence operations, what should Europe do?

In 1964, Shi Pei Pu, a Beijing opera singer and spy, started a perplexing liaison with French diplomat Bernard Boursicot. Their trysts always took place in the dark, which Boursicot attributed to Chinese modesty. In fact, Shi was a man posing as a woman. He even presented a child, whom he claimed was their offspring. This ruse was designed to coax Boursicot to continue to pass French embassy documents to officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for twenty years. The record does not indicate if this was the first time a Western official should have been less naive about the People’s Republic of China (PRC), but the tradition continues....


Well there's a story I hadn't heard before.