Monday, August 19, 2024

"Driving Dystopia: Ford Patents Automated Speed Violation Detection System for Vehicles" F; WTF)

From The Truth About Cars, August 13:

Ford Motor Co. has filed a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for a system that would effectively convert modern police vehicles into mobile surveillance platforms designed to autonomously track and tattle on speeders. However, the tech doesn't look as though it would have to be limited to the vehicles driven by law enforcement.

As described in the patent application, which looks to have been snagged first by Motor Authority, the system utilizes on-board sensing equipment (e.g. radar and exterior cameras) to identify other vehicles that have exceeded a set speed-limit threshold.

This is something patrol officers already do with radar and laser systems. However, Ford’s patent looks to automate the process somewhat. All vehicles surrounding the cruiser are examined and any caught speeding will have an image snapped of the vehicle for use as evidence. From there, it’s up to the officer to pull the vehicle over or have the department mail out tickets (should local laws allow for that).

With an image in hand, officers can even share the photo with each other in case they want to launch a pursuit of a vehicle they’ve lost sight of. For example, someone flying by a parked cruiser extremely high speeds probably won’t be caught by the officer that spotted them initially. But other officers can try to catch up with the offending vehicle later, using the photo as evidence.

The patent application from the automaker titled "Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations" was originally filed in January of 2023. But the USPTO didn’t publish the document until July of 2024....


Previously on the Ford-doesn't-like-its-customers channel:

"Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies"
....Nasty business but probably preferable to Ford's patent on technology to read billboards as you pass by and put the ad on your in-vehicle screen:*

Hardcore marketing psychologists have been known to refer to your infotainment screen as the last unclaimed real estate.Also:
The $1.5 Trillion Battle For The Last Unconquered Screen

"The Future of Your Car's Infotainment Screen Is Dystopian and Bleak"
In other news...
Now that scares me. Riding around with the insurance company? Meh. 
Just pay me for the privilege of peeking over my shoulder.