Wednesday, February 14, 2024

"Rumors About Russian Space Based Nuclear Anti-Satellite Weapon"

I would assume the Pentagon, the Administration, the CIA and the military-industrial complex have been aware of this possibility for decades and have countermeasures in place.

If not, it is probably time to bring back drawing-and-quartering with that whole disemboweling while still alive thing. Not kidding.

If this turns out to be a surprise there will have to be, in the words of the philosopher Eddie Murphy, "Consequences and Repercussions." We ain't talking cornbread here.

Okay, maybe we pass on the drawing and the quartering and just go with heads on pikes at the approaches to Washington D.C.

To warn the others.

From Next Big Future, February 14:

The White House’s national security adviser said Wednesday that he had already scheduled a classified meeting with congressional leadership before a top House Republican requested that President Joe Biden declassify all information that relates to serious national security threat.

An anti-satellite nuclear weapon would likely be something that would generate an electromagnetic pulse.

In 2018, there was talk about Russia developing a submarine to deliver a 100 megaton nuclear bomb to generate a 300 foot tsunami wave....


Again, the tsunami nuke is fiction. Here's the outro from a January 2024 post:

As a side note, regarding the Russian guy back in January 2023 talking about an underwater detonation causing a "Radioactive Tidal Wave of Death": it won't work. Fifth grade physics and the incompressibility of water and all that. The energy required makes even the Tsar Bomba look like a drop in the ocean, so to speak.

Ditto for 'Lil Kim and his January 2024 "NUKE THREAT North Korea tests underwater nuclear drone ‘able to generate radioactive tsunami’ in chilling warning to the West."

On the other hand, if it were large enough, a single cobalt bomb could end life on earth. 
Albert Einstein said of the cobalt bomb:
"If successful, radioactive poisoning of the atmosphere, and hence annihilation of 
any life on earth will have been brought with in the range of technical possibilities."

If interested see "‘Doomsday’ Nuclear Submarine Armed With Nuclear-Powered, Nuclear-Tipped Torpedoes Delivered to Russian Navy".