Following upon "Probably Due To The Coronal Mass Ejection We Have Not Been Able To Receive Izabella Kaminska's Shortwave Radio Signal".
From what we've been able to piece together, Ms Kaminska is preparing to deliver The Blind Spot through any foreseeable future including shutdowns of the electrical grid (she retains a typewriter) and voice communications (the shortwave radio). In the event she is banned from YouTube or the internet kill switch is activated, may I suggest a flock of really large carrier pigeons to deliver freshly burned discs of video (burning powered by any number of willing neighbors on treadmills or pelotons).
Be all that as it may be there were a whole bunch of things in the latest post I want to comment on, though I will limit myself to two.
1) in the links we see, from the Guardian: "Putin advisers ‘afraid to tell him truth’ about Ukraine error, says GCHQ head".
This is a made-up story. And how do we know it is made up? A second or two of thought is all that is required. If British or American intelligence had a spy (HumInt) or a bug (SigInt) that could give them that type of information it would be the most closely guarded secret in the entire spook establishment. It would not be shared with the world via the Guardian.
2) This is brilliant:
[I’m developing a theory that the key reason the West is seemingly throwing in the towel on press freedom is because social media has destroyed media segmentation.
This, by the way, particularly applies to the financial media.
There used to be a time when financial newspapers were considered the ultimate truth speakers — read by both the left and the right — precisely because the market assumed investors could not afford to be misled by their own system’s propaganda. Greed, in other words, led to neutral media because money had to be led by dispassionate analysis and information advantage, not emotion.
But then came social media. This changed everything. First, everyone — including the financial press — wanted to succeed in the mission of achieving the ultimate number of eyeballs, clicks or viral episodes. This is because clicks meant more advertising and thus more sustainable business models. Then, they became paranoid about going viral for the wrong reasons and losing advertising altogether.....]....
She's onto something in a very big way.
Here's the rest of the précis on media as well as the rest of the links:
In the Blind Spot on Thursday (Media, Roubles, Satoshi )
Now to front run her on the pigeons and other Original Gangster (OG) low-tech/no-tech communications methods.
Hmmmm....there's Claude Chappe's French semaphore system - it could relay messages 100 miles in ten minutes:
"On March 2, 1791, the Chappes offered the first public demonstration, sending a message between Brûlon and Parcé, some 16 kilometres (10 miles) away. The message was: “Si vous réussissez vous serez bientôt couvert de gloire [If you succeed, you will soon bask in glory].” (1)
(1) Ignace Chappe, Histoire de la télégraphie (Paris, 1824), p. 239.
Via "Napoleonic Telecommunications: The Chappe Semaphore Telegraph"