From Fortune:
...For Pickens, wind is key to weaning the U.S. from the petrol pump. “The only transportation fuel we have in the U.S. to replace oil is natural gas,” he said.
Here’s how it would work, according to Perkins. Replace the natural gas power plants that generate about a quarter of the electricity in the United States with wind farms. Use the freed-up natural gas to power cars, trucks and other vehicles. “We could reduce oil imports by 38 percent,” Pickens declared....
Here are some factoids about CLNE, going back to the May '07 $12.00 IPO.
Recent press releases:
April 24-Clean Energy Signs Fueling Contract for City of Las Vegas Transit Fleet
April 29-Clean Energy Brings Natural Gas to the Golden Gate
May 6-Clean Energy Signs LNG Fueling Contract for City of Fresno Municipal Refuse Fleet
May 12-Clean Energy to Fuel Brookhaven, NY Municipal Waste Fleet
Here's the May 15 Clean Energy Fuels Corp. Q1 2008 Earnings Call Transcript