Tuesday, November 15, 2011

As Berkshire Hathaway Becomes a Dow Jones Industrial Index Fund... (BRK.B; DIA)

With insurance businesses.
Some operating companies.*
And a retail clothing store:
Order Berkshire Activewear On-line

From Deal Journal:
It’s strange to think of Warren Buffett, who is obsessive about stock research, as a passive Dow Jones Industrial Average stock index. But in a way, he has become close to it.

Including Buffett’s just disclosed purchase of IBM stock, the Oracle of Omaha has an investment in one-third of the 30 components in the Dow. UPDATE: According to a snapshot of Berkshire Hathaway’s stock holdings as of Sept. 30, Buffett’s company owns shares in 11 of the 30 Dow components, including a new position in Intel Corp. Berkshire bought about $199 million in Intel stock, an investment likely made by new Berkshire stock picker Todd Combs....MORE
*Links to Berkshire Subsidiary Companies