Monday, April 5, 2021

"9 Predictions for What Your World Just Might Look Like in 2025"

I don't read a lot of speculative fiction but when I do, the most engrossing seems to come from accountants.

From AccountingWeb, Jan 8th 2015:

In his book "Techno-Trends", author Dan Burrus explains that his predictions will likely be correct because they are based on developing technologies about to be perfected, or as Burrus calls them",hard predictions." These are opposed to "soft forecasts", which Burrus defines as not based on known technological developments. For example, it would have been difficult to predict the worldwide outbreak of AIDS, the rapid collapse of world communism, and other mass movements fomented by the human spirit. That being said, here are my soft forecasts for the year 2025, many of which could impact your firm or you personally:

  1. More single adults as a percentage of our population. As more and more people marry their jobs, their mobile phones, and their lifestyle, as well as mistakenly accept the idea that they can’t meet the one right person, the trend will continue. The overwhelming amount of choices for a suitable partner in today's world has led some to avoid intimacy.
  2. The divorce rate stays high. This prediction follows from the previous one; one must devote real time and energy to develop and grow intimate relationships; if people continue to allow forces outside themselves to dictate their lives, they will perceive, erroneously",I have no time for this." Or, as they allow themselves to become more stressed, they have little to give in these intimate relationships and will perceive the act of interacting with another human to be just another drain on their time and energy.
  3. The underground economy comes into full bloom. Making money on the side is a logical, creative response to the confining straitjacket of big government.
  4. The work-at-home movement accelerates. As the workforce shuts out more and more people, they will seek out more creative ways to create income. Developing home business activity solves a lot of the modern day angst experienced working in more structured environments. For example, one would feel less buffeted by forces beyond one's control when self-employed, and one reaps the rewards of independence, feeling that life is in control by simply being in charge of what happens that day.
  5. High infertility ensues due to lower water, air, and food quality, and poor health habits. Reproduction is a manifestation of our deepest desire for life. As we rush blindly through our lives, not willing to slow down and actually experience living, our ability to create life will diminish....

....MUCH MORE (2025 and beyond)