Thursday, March 14, 2019

Immigrant Parents Sending Sons To Safety of Somalia To Avoid London Knife Crime Epidemic

A few days ago FT Alphaville's editor proposed an answer to her own query "So then the question is, what's driving the competition among urban gangs?":
"...Is it because this is now the only trade accessible to the unskilled? So you've got an effective labour oversupply? Something gangs settle via a more permanent sort of downsizing (stabbing competitors)."
That "only trade accessible to the unskilled?" is straight-up profound.

She was riffing off an article in The Guardian's sister publication, The Observer:
 Sat 9 Mar 2019 16.18 EST Last modified on Sat 9 Mar 2019 19.01 EST
County lines gangs: how drug-running is fuelling knife crime

An hour-and-a-half later The Observer published:
Sat 9 Mar 2019 17.59 EST
Mothers send sons to Somalia to avoid knife crime

And when I got around to reading it all I could think of was how many times we've seen similar stories:

Thousands Of Migrants Flee Finland Hoping For A Better Life In Iraq
Migrant Workers Leaving Greece, Going Home to Albania....
Refugees Fleeing Europe In Search Of A Better Life In Syria, Turkey

...and from a 2002 Federal Reserve Board Open Market Committee transcript:
“There is growing anecdotal evidence that this may be due to Mexican immigrants departing the United States in search of a better life in Mexico
Here's Izabella:
And here's the last time we commented on the current situation:

"Norway has full supremacy over Svalbard snow crabs, Supreme Court rules"
...I'm pretty sure this isn't a snow crab, it looks more English actually. 

I know, sophomoric.
You want profound? Go to the Financial Times